Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring

Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring | Hong Kong Asia Heart Centre

This test helps doctors:
  • Assess your blood pressure condition.
  • Assess any abnormal blood pressure.
  • Assess the effectiveness of prescribed medication.

  • You are required to wear a battery-operated machine for 24 hours.
  • This machine is used to record your blood pressure periodically.
  • Under most circumstances, the procedure takes 10-20 minutes and you are not required to stay in hospital overnight.
  • You are required to come according to your appointment date for the wearing of the machine and come back on the next day for the dislodgement of the machine.

24-hour Ambulatory Blood + 35 items health check index $4,100 (Click here)

ABPM is an absolutely safe procedure but beware not to take shower or splash any water over the machine, to avoid damage the machine or loosen of electrode dots, avoid other investigation such as X-rays, CT or MRI.

ABPM is an easy carry machine, you can have your daily activity as usual, without any influences to your daily life.
This test helps doctors:
  • Assess your blood pressure condition.
  • Assess any abnormal blood pressure.
  • Assess the effectiveness of prescribed medication.

  • You are required to wear a battery-operated machine for 24 hours.
  • This machine is used to record your blood pressure periodically.
  • Under most circumstances, the procedure takes 10-20 minutes and you are not required to stay in hospital overnight.
  • You are required to come according to your appointment date for the wearing of the machine and come back on the next day for the dislodgement of the machine.

24-hour Ambulatory Blood + 35 items health check index $4,100 (Click here)

ABPM is an absolutely safe procedure but beware not to take shower or splash any water over the machine, to avoid damage the machine or loosen of electrode dots, avoid other investigation such as X-rays, CT or MRI.

ABPM is an easy carry machine, you can have your daily activity as usual, without any influences to your daily life.